Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Embarrassing my doctor :-)

Do you think Dr. Boyce gets embarrassed when he reads my blog? Since I brag on him all the time! I hope not I am just stating what I think about him! I wouldn't drive 3 hours out of my way to go to a doctor I didn't think was the very BEST!!!! I truly wish everyone could be one of Dr. Boyce's patients! He has such a great program set up there in Knoxville, TN it is no wonder his center was one of the first in the Nation to be a Center of Excellence (lucky #7 actually)! At the New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery they help you from start to finish with your weight loss journey, because they know YOU are the key to success.

So I don't care if I do make him blush a little he deserves a big hug for helping so many people get the tools they need to become healthy!!!

I'm going to be a Dr Boyce cheerleader the rest of my life

Watch out, we're here!
Everybody stand clear!
Let's shout, let's cheer!
Our victory is near!
Weight Loss, Weight Loss!
That's our name; we are the best!

LOL can you tell I didn't attend many sporting events in high school?! But that me little cheer, I will work on it :-)

Talk to y'all soon!!!!

Much love,
Aziza "Zee"

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