Friday, October 9, 2009

T-Minus 2 Days!!!

YAY!!!! I am so close to my surgery day, I am so excited!!!! I am all ready for my hospital stay. I met a nice woman who is having her surgery the same day so we have been chatting. We plan on trying to do our hospital walking together (it is extremely important to do as much walking as possible after surgery, even a 100-ft walk is very important, it helps prevent blood clots that can be fatal). It is nice to know someone who will be in the hospital at the same time that is going through the same procedure! I am all packed up and have been doing my breathing exercises, I also packed up some busy work to keep me occupied in the hospital. I have knitting, books, cards and games for my 2 night stay, I hope I am not to drugged up to enjoy them (but I sure am not gonna refuse pain meds if I need them).

I will keep you all posted on my surgery and post-op :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your surgery! I'm assuming you're at the hospital now. I've been checking in on your blog...I am having my surgery with Dr Boyce on 11/2 and found you on his website. Please feel free to email if you need any support!
