Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The start....

"I knew I was a bit over weight but I never saw myself as OBESE much less morbidly obese. Looking in the mirror today I finally see it, "Wow, when did it get so bad?" I ask myself almost in disbelief that this is happening to me. But it didn't happen over night this has been happening for more than half of my life, today is the day I realize I need help. I never thought I would be 304 pounds!!!! That is more than double the average weight for my height. So now that I know I need help it is time to decide what kind of help is going to be best for me.........."

The above insert is how I felt 2 years ago, I am writing you today to share my journey and hopefully help some of you who don't know where to start or even if Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is right for you. My goal is share every detail of my journey and describe every step along my way of WLS and hopefully help others that are in the same situation.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you Aziza!!!! Hope...I know you will do well!
